Portfolio Category: PEELING & MASK


Dr.Hankker HYDRATED FACE SOFT PEELING MASK  Face scrub is to be used when excessive keratinized skin cell is not properly metabolized or dead skin cell does not properly removed during daily cleansing. This will prevent proper absorption of Thermoplasty treatment products and the face remains oily and pigmented. Dr.Hankker 保濕柔和去角质膜 Face Scrub 目的是:有些皮肤角质过厚,当在角质代谢过程中,如平日洁脸不净,导致死细胞及表皮屑无法去除,脸部呈现油污或色素黑雀斑,而难以吸收所搽的微整保养产品。 HEFS01500125-G075 WAS…
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Dr.Hankker HYDRATED FACE SOFT PEELING MASK  Face scrub is to be used when excessive keratinized skin cell is not properly metabolized or dead skin cell does not properly removed during daily cleansing. This will prevent proper absorption of Thermoplasty treatment products and the face remains oily and pigmented. Dr.Hankker 保濕柔和去角质膜 Face Scrub 目的是:有些皮肤角质过厚,当在角质代谢过程中,如平日洁脸不净,导致死细胞及表皮屑无法去除,脸部呈现油污或色素黑雀斑,而难以吸收所搽的微整保养产品。 Repair Series…
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Repair Cream Mask

Repair Series Soft, smooth, supple skin. The formula blends a duo of protective oats (Colloidal Oatmeal and Avena Sativa Oat Bran) with botanical antioxidants and skin nourishing ingredients to repair and revive the skin. HEFR01610175-G100 WAS : NO                              NOW : USD…
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Masks are removed by either rinsing the face with water, wiping off with a damp cloth, or peeling off of the face by hand. Duration for wearing a mask varies with the type of mask, and manufacturer's usage instructions. The time can range from a few minutes to overnight. Those with sensitive skin are advised to…
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HONEY & CLAY MASK – 抗炎镇定舒缓面膜

Dr.Hankker HONEY & CLAY MASK - 抗炎镇定舒缓面膜 HONEY & CLAY MASK is a refreshing mask that cleans and decongestants normal to mixed skin with a tendency towards black heads, dirt and acne obstruction.  It softens the skin and brightens the complexion.   Chlorophhyll: 0.015% - Honey:2% Honey & Clay Mask 有效清理黑头,溶解污垢、抗氧化、抗菌作用,去除毛囊阻塞问题,可净化及收缩粗大毛孔。能抵抗自由基之侵袭,並具部份抗炎、镇定作用、舒缓肌肤的不适感。 亲水保湿成份,透过小分子的完整结构力,可將水分留在角质层,同时增加肌肤含水量,令肌肤呈现洁净及促进伤口愈合。        *Direction: Apply…
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