After applying HYADRATING SERIES in a short period of time, skin will be effectively enhanced and tightened to achieve a soothing, calming, whitening and moisturizing condition. Dead skin cells will be eliminated and the powerful moisture essence will promote a supple, radiant and nourishing skin. 透过青春弹实保濕,可以在短时间内有效的提升及收紧皮肤,以达到修补皮肤组织的功效,而且拥有舒缓,镇定,消肿,美白及保湿的作用.所有聚集在肌肤表层的死皮将会有效的被清除掉,强大的保湿效果可以让逐渐老去及失去光泽的肌肤,恢复原有的光泽及色彩,肌肤将会充满水嫩感. Price Detail EYE & LIP MAKE UP REMOVER -…
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